A review by denise3568
Keeping the Beat by Breanna Lynn


ARC Review

Keeping the Beat (Heart Beats #3) is Claire and Dylan's story. This couple met when Claire was an exchange student in London and Dylan was a law student. Dylan feels trapped when he's expected to carry on the family tradition of becoming a lawyer. Claire encourages him to follow his dreams and happiness by becoming a singer instead. When Dylan's music career takes off, he and Claire encounter some hardships and end up breaking up. Six years later, they meet again when Claire is the director for his music video.

What worked for me:
-I love a good Second Chance Romance trope. Dylan realizes he made a mistake in letting Claire go six years ago and vows to win her back
-I enjoyed the alternating timeline. The author switches between the current timeline and events that happened six years prior.
-We get appearances from Jax and Charlie and Nick and Meredith. I love how Jax and Dylan cleared the air after their disastrous first meeting and end up becoming friends. And Charlie and Meredith stepping in to help Dylan and Claire reconcile was hilarious.
-Steam level = high! Dylan and Claire on the kitchen counter, in the lifeguard shack on the beach, in the back of a car while they're on their first date. *fans self*

What didn't work for me:
-Perhaps a more varied way to describe attraction/arousal is needed. There was a lot of "soaked panties" and "hard cocks against zippers".

Overall, I give this 4/5. Claire and Dylan were so sweet and I'm thrilled they got their happy ever after.