A review by picky_book_b1tch
Destination Connelly by K.L. Kreig


"Just goes to prove: Never say never."

I laughed when I read this in Destination Connelly because I had already written those words in my notes. When it comes to KL's writing, I never say never! She has an uncanny ability to take subjects I normally avoid and makes me fall in love with them. She did it again with Conn and Nora's story. KL has the fabulous ability to turn the ordinary and mundane into something quite extraordinary. This is the reason I will read anything and everything this woman writes! That and the fact that she writes smart erotica with both heart and soul. Its not often that I come across an author that can write sex and emotion with equal passion and strength.

Destination Connelly is powerful, passionate and poignant!

Readers, if you love hot alpha men that never loose their edge and women who are strong enough to bring them hither, this and all KL's books are a no-brainer. Get clicking!

KL, I love you and your books. I am sad to see this series end but just as excited to see what you'll give us next.