A review by marissacelina
Evil by Tijan


For more reviews, check out Keep Calm and Love Books

I first read this book in December of 2014! It was only 18 chapters long at the time and boy were they great chapters. I honestly can't believe I've waited 3 years for this book to come out. It really does feel like yesterday when I first read it and fell absolutely head over heals in love. The whole novel, from start to finish was exquisite! I know I say that about a lot of books but come on, 3 years and it finally came out and all it took were 8 hours to finish it... That's got to speak for itself. Tijan is one of those authors who you know will come out with an amazing story and make you really invested. None of her books should be read lightly, and this one is no exception. Evil was exactly like the title, evil. The word has so much meaning and different variations of it that this book is a cluster ball of it. Tijan actually gives the word a total different shade and viewpoint of what our main protagonist, Shay, and her opposite, Kellan, do. This book was really refreshing and I'm so happy I finally got to finish it!

"Slowly, almost gently, I slid a finger underneath one of his and yanked it backward. Kellan held his breath, but let me hold his finger at bay. He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. They seemed to sparkle in the moonlight...I smiled, and then I yanked his finger the rest of the way until the bone snapped. Kellan didn’t move, not an inch. When it was done, after a moment of silence, he rasped, “Are you going to break the rest of my fingers?”"

Shay was so fully charged the whole time, we were just waiting at the edge of our seats for the explosion! It was so much fun reading about Shay and what her siblings, Kellan, Vespar and Giuseppe, would do to toy with people. Out of Kellan and Shay, my favourite character had to be Gus. She was so real and funny. She did not give a shit most of the time and I did love her bond with Vespar. I really liked how Tijan chose to focus on what other people do/think/act when the siblings are around. We really get insight on how everyone is nervous around them and the fact that a Braden was never to be crossed. The siblings could do whatever they felt like and the rest of them weren't allowed. Tijan made high school drama so cultivating and dangerous! I loved the instant rivalry between Shay and Vasper and we all knew from the beginning that he would never fully love her.

"Kellan interrupted. “You could’ve stopped him long before I came around the corner. You knew I was coming. Why didn’t you stop him?” “Maybe I wanted to hear his rhetoric on how hot I must be for him.” “Don’t be funny, Shay. You’re not the funny one, remember?” I smirked. “That’s funny. I don’t think that role’s been taken in our family.” Kellan’s hand tightened on my arm. He pulled me closer and bent his head to my ear. “You always wait for me. Why?”"

I loved Kellan's inner struggle with himself and it really showed his deepest and emotionalist side of him whenever he would try to comfort Shay about being 'evil' yet it would stir the inner turmoil he had inside of himself. The characters in general were all so deep thought and you can see the amount of detail Tijan wrote for each of her characters.

"Damien grabbed an apple and paused, shooting her a look. “Don’t start, half child. I can eviscerate you with a thought.”"

Whenever Tijan writes and publishes a new book, I already except it to be a masterpiece. Not one of her novels have cease to disappoint me so I knew it was a safe bet that this wouldn't be any different. I loved this book so much and I'm happy that finally after 3 years, I can now know how Shay and Kellan ended and that I will miss this book so much! The characters are very unforgettable and I am not looking forward to the book mourning period I'm going to have after I post this blogpost.

"“For the record,” Damien said two days later. “I think this is incredibly stupid.” Kellan stood next to me, holding my hand, and grunted. “For the record, no one asked you.”"