A review by canada_matt
Private Royals by Rees Jones, James Patterson


Another BookShot pulls readers into the world of Jack Morgan and his Private establishment. Back in London, Morgan is liaising with his London office and its head,Peter Knight. When a call comes from the Duke of Aldershot, Morgan and Knight follow-up, only to learn that the Duke's daughter, Abbie, has been kidnapped. Abbie is a royal wild child, known for her headline-hogging antics, usually tied into alcohol and drugs, after a humble childhood. With a random demand of £30 million by 11 the following morning, Private has little time to act and Abbie's bodyguard is also missing. With a significant amount of blood at the scene, there is a possibility that both are already dead, though Private cannot give up up. When the Duke receives another call from the kidnapper, they vow to kill Abbie and let her head roll during the famed Trooping the Colour parade, should there be any delays. The Duke is panic-stricken and Morgan calls on a potential Private new recruit to show her abilities. Major Jane Cook uses her military abilities to posit who the kidnapper might be, finding clues related to a member of the service. When Private begins piecing things together, there is something about this kidnapping that makes no sense, leaving Morgan to question the entire affair. With Abbie still missing, the hunt heats up and Private is racing against the clock to find Abbie and save the image of the Royal Family. Well worth the invested time, particularly for those who enjoy the Private series.

These BookShots are addictive, as this was the second one I completed in as many days. Patterson works with Rees Jones to spin this tale, using some interesting plo lines and a collection of characters who fit in perfectly. Peppering the narrative with mention of the previous Private novel set in London, the reader does not feel this story is disjointed from what has come before. Its quick chapters and to the point storyline, readers can easily devour this story in a single sitting, and most will want to as the pendulum of guilt keeps swinging. With a plethora of BookShots coming down the pipeline, readers should be able to devour stories of all shapes and sizes, no matter the time restrictions their days present.

Kudos, Messrs. Patterson and Jones for an explosive story that fits perfectly within the Private series. A wonderful teaser to lure people into the Private series.

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