A review by amandainpa
Hideaway by Nicole Lundrigan


One thing this author is extremely skilled at is writing multi-faceted characters...characters that evoke real feelings for the reader...feelings of empathy, disgust, sadness, and rage (at least, in my experience).

This was not an easy book to read...it centers around a missing teenager and the circumstances that led to his disappearance...throughout the book the reader follows Rowan, the missing teenager, so they know where he is, which I found soothing as I sometimes become very anxious when reading stories where the missing person's whereabouts are completely unknown.

A slow burning mystery, I found myself sometimes struggling to pick it up because I really despised some of the characters. Normally, despicable characters don't bother me but I think I was in the mood for a "happier" book when I read this one...I'm going to go with the "it's not you, it's me" theory on this one.

Overall, this was a solid story with vivid descriptions and very real characters. I highly recommend it to fans of the gritty, dark genre of books.

I received an e-arc of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.