A review by aneemithu
One In Three by Tess Stimson


I was going back and forth whether to give this book 5 stars. But I definitely think it deserves it. SO many twists. So many turns. Bitter rivalry between ex wife and current wife. Petty drama. What’s not to love!

In parts it was a bit pathetic how much both women kept going on about how much they loved this guy. Ugh he’s so amazing. Despite the fact that he’s cheated. Oh he’s still so great 🙄🤮 pathetic 

Despite both women doing whatever they could to torment each other, it was a bit hard to root for the current wife. I mean you know he was a married man when you met and had an affair with him… whatever trauma you’ve gone through in your life, will not make me sympathise with you. Not even a little bit. You’re just a bitch. And deserved all the shit you had coming to you 🤷🏻‍♀️ can’t support cheaters. Shit happened to you in your life that couldn’t be helped but you chose to go and further sabotage someone else’s marriage regardless of what state it was in. No excuse for that shit 🤔

But overall the book was great so many things I didn’t see coming. Literally right until the end I was still shocked by the twists. Great read 😊