A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer


4.5 stars

Wow, so many amazing fights, and so many sacrifices that made me cry! In the end they did save the world, but at what cost?

Many of my friends here hated this last book, especially the end, I thought it really made sense though, and it seems like the best, and happiest ending Calla and her friends could get. And at least Calla understood that something was up, and was able to ask the right questions so that they all knew what was going to happen before it did.

Some things that happened were a little predictable, others were very surprising. I loved the search for the elemental cross, and what they had to fight to get the next part. When Calla was captured, I was sitting with my heart in my throat, especially because of who was talking to her when she woke up.

At the very end, both the fight and the description of Bosque's transformation were well done, the transformation was really icky, but it kind of made sense.

I still have tears in my eyes, so many things happened in the last few chapters, and I wish there was more to come.