A review by hsienhsien27
Kamen, Volume 2 by Gunya Mihara


This is an Advanced Readers Copy received From Netgalley
Originally on my blog:http://wordsnotesandfiction.blogspot.com/2014/09/kamen-volume-2-by-gunya-mihara-advanced.html

I keep forgetting to put my blog on here.

Here is the sequel and I read it in one sitting, or more like sitting on a chair and then an hour later, I was sitting on my bed. I have to say, I didn't like it as much as the first one. But manga series tend to span on for many volumes, so maybe the next one won't be the same. But Kamen seems to have this war and all of this stuff bores me, talking about their strategies and stating the obvious. While one of the characters was dying, he thought of something on the lines of "I'm dying," and all I could think of was "No kidding."

There is a bit of information surrounding the background of the masked people as more of them seem to appear and cause more chaos. There is no forgiveness in this war torn nation, almost a dystopian world. You don't really get any hints as to why the main character is in this world and why the world is the way it is. I kind of have a feeling that I know of what is happening, but I could be wrong.

This seems to be more plot driven, actually, the first half isn't even focused on the main character, it focuses more on what surrounds him. Which I find quite interesting, not a lot of manga, at least the ones I've read, don't do such a writing point of view. But everything gets wrapped up towards the ending when the nameless hero finally decides to do some sword fighting and ends with a giant creature that seems to look sort of like a tree from my vague memory. Of course, this left me with wanting more.

It is enjoyable, this series so far, but the second volume was sort of bland, and I hope that the next one picks up the steam.

Rating: 3/5