A review by agrutle
Tapping the Billionaire by Max Monroe


Thanks to the authors for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was hooked from the first chapter on. Georgia is snarky and fun. So much she thinks that comes out of her mouth especially when she's high on Benadryl. Georgia is good at her job and she likes it and lets face it people that is half the battle! She works hard for Brooks Media, her boss is great and nice. She's never noticed really how good looking he is, hes just her boss; Kline Brooks. One day he asks her to a gala and then she realizes he's very good looking and seriously how did she not notice!!

Kline is an anomaly. He's a billionaire and he runs his own company but he isn't a womanizer. He doesn't have a different girlfriend every other week. He's waiting for the right girl. How he's missed Georgia is lost to him. His mother had a date lined up for a gala and he knew he couldn't listen to another elitist girl drone on about what ever society girls talk about. Georgia is funny and beautiful. She makes his world better and he doesn't want to let her go. He is keeping something from her and he's worried that she won't stay if he tells her.

You guys, this book is AWESOME. I was laughing and making my husband listen to lines from the book. He didn't think they were so funny. Mostly because he wasn't reading it. When it comes out he will though because it was a great book. Georgia is real and I am so glad I was able to read this book. Kline is a great guy too, he's got all this money and he doesn't let it affect him. I can't tell you everything because I want you to have some surprises when you read it and if you don't read it I don't know if we can be friends. Ha I am just kidding but seriously Check this book out and let me know what you think!! Leave the author love in the form of a review!