A review by yokorie
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 2: Fandemonium by Kieron Gillen


It's kind of frustrating when the first comic book you read in the year is one of the best that you've read ever. The bar has now been set incredibly high for the remainder of the year, and though I know there will be a few five-star books here and there I highly doubt they'll be able to match what it is TWTD has brought to the table.
Even for those not interested in the commentary on media and fame woven into the plot and characters, the interactions between the characters, their roles in society and in one another's lives made this book to interesting to put down.
It's always hard for me to write reviews for comics because they've all been so different and I love them all for different reasons. I don't pick up books because they are similar to ones I've already read, I read them because that particular book is important to me at the point and time that I've read it.
TWTD has a lot going on with it, so it's hard to point at what exactly has me drawn to it at this point and time in my life. Maybe the bright colors and amazing artwork, the effort put in to include characters of diverse racial, ethnic, and sexual identities, or maybe because it manages to capture the feeling of fan and Internet culture without it sounding like a slap on the wrist.
I held off on reading this book for a long time before I finally caved and bought volume one to read home on the train over Thanksgiving. I put book two on my Christmas list as soon as I finished. Because I've only been reading the trade paperbacks I have no experience with having to wait month to month for an issue, so I can't comment on how well the conflicting plot lines, character interactions, and suspense play out over a slow pace. It's a quick book, and thankfully volume 3 will be out soon. I'm looking forward to it.