A review by bougainvillea
Devil's Corner by Lisa Scottoline


I'm enjoying this books so far, as I do all of Scottoline's books. But I hate when she refers to the African American characters. It drives me nuts. When she talks about Cavanaugh or whoever, he's 6 foot tall, blond, or whatever. When she talks about Bale, he's the tall African-American whatever. I find it so aggravating. I don't assume everyone is white when I read, especially when the story is set in Philly, so it's really jarring when the author makes it a point to mention the character is black.

Ok, I finished. It's not my favorite, but it was a good read. I kind of missed Benny and the girls. Although I loved Daddy's Girl and Dirty Blonde, so it's not like I only enjoy the Rosato books. Now to get my hands on Look Again.