A review by winterreader40
One Season with the Duke by Addy Du Lac


Henrietta is being blackmailed into marriage by her cousin because he feels the money her parents left her should have been his. When her childhood friend Lord Findlay, that she hasn't seen in years but who grew up well, offers to marry her to save her from this situation she initially rebuffs him to protect him and her family from scandal.
Finn has been infatuated with Hettie for years but they were to young when he saw her last, but he is in town looking for a wife and hoping it will be her when he finds out she's engaged. When he learns the circumstances and she turns him down he tells her she has till her wedding to change her mind and is so happy when she does even though he knows she isn't in love with him. Things go ok for a bit and then chaos ensues.
This is only my second 5 star romance this year but it had everything I love, friends to lovers, marriage of convenience, smart characters, angst and a really good(if not quite perfect) grovel, 100% recommend this!

I received this ARC through NetGalley and Entangled Publishing