A review by manxomemia
Animal Man, Volume 1: The Hunt by Travel Foreman, Jeff Lemire


Oh man, I think Travel Foreman is a little TOO good of an artist; that art is freaky as hell! I think the external circuitry and bleeding eyes almost made me need to put it down for a while. Really great art, just... bleugh!

Alright, the story was pretty good. I liked the new take on the family-man super hero, and there was a lot of intrigue to the mythology. The villain-type creatures are very creepy, which is always a good thing. I enjoyed this altogether, but I'm not sure if I'll be rushing to pick up the next volume just yet. I think some of the other new 52s I've picked up recently have made a more lasting impression on me then this one. Definitely keen to get onto more of Jeff Lemire's work, though, because so far I've been impressed with his work.