A review by mxharriet
The Perfectionists by Sara Shepard


*Received from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I really struggled to rate The Perfectionists. On one hand, I'm asking if you can put zero stars but on the other I say two to three stars. Now this cover, is beautiful; it goes perfectly with the novel.

Nolan Hotchkiss is one of the most hated individuals, and yet he is the most popular. However, his popularity comes from the secrets he holds over many. When five girls decide to utterly humiliate him at his own party, he soon turns up dead. But they did not murder him. The girls must find his real murderer, before they are the ones accused.

Now the characters… oh dear:
It took me a long time, due to the five POVs to understand who was who, who does what, who's friends are who, and their motives for hating Nolan. It took a long time as the majority of the five sounded like the exact same person.
They made some really, really irresponsible and silly decisions. I will not say what they did as it will spoil it for you. The majority of the time I had to stop reading and look around in disbelief, as if to say, "Are they serious?!".
They also came across as incredibly naive, linking to point two. Especially thinking the Police would believe them after the things they just did! Just… I shall leave it there or I could go on forever.
They were strongly unlikable characters, with awful friends. I think nearly every friend turned on each of them. Yes they were academically intelligent, but otherwise they were just infuriating.
The plot of this novel, was very similar to Shepard's other novels. I expected more originality and danger, but all I felt I got was five girls making everything worse for themselves with their decisions. I feel my only positive thought of this novel was, that I still want to know who the murderer was. Meaning I am indecisive as to whether I should carry on with the series or not.

Overall, I strongly disliked this novel yet I still really want to know what happens next.