A review by kurtwombat
Civil War by Mark Millar


The crux of this story intrigued me. The Marvel world of super heroes face government certification—a process that requires surrendering their “secret” identities. Some are willing, some are not. The ensuing clash is told with great energy and vibrant vivid art work. The framing of the scenes involving multiple heroes balanced the colors to great effect. Quite fun to look at with 200 pages of rippling muscles, arched backs and elegant elongated athletic limbs all in distinct colorful costumes but the ending seemed more like a teaser for a grander project than this supposedly self contained 7 issue collection. A reasonable case is made for each side of this conflict with the crisis of conscience of Captain America being the highlight for me. While I don’t require stories to be wrapped up with a nice little bow, so much weight was given the impending final conflict that to have an ambiguous ending was a bit of a jaw dropper. Still a nice ride even though I didn’t care for the destination.