A review by jennifeve
Firewalker, by Josephine Angelini


Some spoilers I guess?
I think I overhyped this book to myself after reading Trial by Fire! I loved it and couldn't wait to get my hands on the sequel, expecting it to be even better than the first book, but in my opinion it just fell a bit flat.
I feel like it lost the heat, and I wasn't as invested in Lily and Rowan's relationship. There was a bit of romance between them but it wasn't all that exciting and I felt like it was over in the blink of an eye, replaced with butt loads romantic drama. Also, not a fan of the love triangle.
Rowan was my favourite character by far in Trial by Fire, but in Firewalker there was a moment that made me view him in a much different light. I can't say I hate him exactly, but I definitely feel some distaste for him now.
Another thing that bugged me a bit was how quickly and easily Lily's new coven was formed. Her friends from her home-world seemed to accept the revelations of witches and alternate universes as easily as hearing a restaurant's soup of the day. I feel like it was all a tad too convenient!
Otherwise, I found the book to be entertaining, but I didn't love it and it didn't really make me want to finish the series! I just can't see myself rushing out to buy the final book, but if I found it on sale or something I might reconsider..
Overall I give this a generous 3/5.. Not great but not horrible!