A review by secamimom
Crewel by Gennifer Albin


Being chosen as a spinster is what every girl in Arras longs for. The ability to weave time with matter is exactly what the Guild looks for when choosing candidates and Adelice possesses that ability. But Adelice isn’t interested in the powerful life of a spinister. She doesn’t want to choose what people may eat and how many children they may have.

Adelice thinks that she’s fooled everyone during her testing, but one slip up shows them her true ability. They are coming for her and there is no escaping. She has no idea who in her new life she can trust.

First things first, the cover for this book is absolutely breathtaking. Most often, the reason I pick up a book is because of the cover, so whoever chose this one did a great job.

Crewel was unlike any book I’ve ever read. Albin did a wonderful job with her debut. It sucks the reader in right away and has you desperate to find out what happens next. She weaves you (see what I did there…weave…ha, ha. You’ll understand once you read.) into the lives of these characters.

I love that Adelice isn’t some woe-is-me type girl. She fights back and has attitude, which I love. You can’t imagine how tired I get of some of the main characters in some YA novels that claim to be strong female leads, but definitely aren’t. Adelice definitely is!

Now, lets talk about the love triangle. Yes, I know, I know. You get so tired of the love triangles in some of these books. Me too. But not this one. I don’t know exactly what it is about this one, but it isn’t like the others, at least in my opinion. Most of the time, I can find myself pulling more toward one of the love interests. Not with this one. Even after I finished the book, I still couldn’t decide who I preferred for Adelice, Jost or Eric. They both had their good qualities and bad.

I utterly adored this book. I am patiently awaiting the next book of the series.