A review by michaelwong
Agency by William Gibson


At some point, the cool banter runs out of gas. This, maybe his best dialog yet with his "oops I thought I was on mute" moments, made it about 3/4 through.

His anticlimactic climaxes are admirable in Cohen Brothers way, but this time just too unsatisfying. The balance between excitement and deadpan reached a much better balance in #1.

Lacks the color and imagery of #1: plastic island, animated tattoos, prehistoric dogs. Not his fault, 2017 just isn't that flashy and the Oakland fab shop his very hip, but just not as juicy a read.

Fun that it's set in San Francisco. Though disturbing the SF has become such a parody of itself that Gibson could nail it with what seems such apparent ease.

As an aside, I feel like Clinton wouldn't have been the savior Gibson sorta painted her as. Too bad Agency want set in a Bernie stub ;)