A review by readingmissfroggy
The Rogue Not Taken by Sarah MacLean


After finishing The Rules of Scoundrels series by the same author I really felt the need to dive into another series by her. The synopsis of this one totally captured my attention. Dunking your cheating brother-in-law in a pond at a garden party and escaping in a carriage that is not your own with some marquess who is know for ruining ladies? Sign me up!

In the end I didn't fall in love with this book as quickly as with her other series. And I find it so difficult to explain why. I loved the events that took place, I also really enjoyed Sophie as a character and King had a really interesting backstory. So why did it take me up until 50% in before I fell in love with it? I don't know. Maybe because I finally felt connected to King? Maybe because I finally felt some chemistry between King and Sophie? I simply don't know.

What I do know is that there are so many events and things happening in this book, it is absolutely amazing! When I was 50% through I thought I would be close to the end (read this as an e-book) but nope, we still had 50% more of this wonderful story to go! And maybe all these events took me a while to fall in love with the characters. It took me a while to see who they really are outside of their extraordinary situation. But the events, oh man they were amazing. I'm not just talking about dunking that horrible brother-in-law, I'm also talking about highwayman, cross-dressing, gun wounds, terribly romantic scenes and the most awkward dinner ever.

Another absolute gem in this novel were the little hints to The Rules of Scoundrels series. The Fallen Angel wasn't mentioned by name but King did talk about this exclusive gaming hell for artistocrats so you can't tell me that it's not TFA!

But... There is one thing that I really want to mention about this book. Something that made me appreciate the story, the characters and especially the author so much more. And that is that this book addresses some issues in both real life and in fictional life. The fact that alcohol and the way someone dresses are absolutely no good reason for sexual assault. The fact that (hurtful) nicknames can really devalue people. I really appreciate how Sarah put it in the story. It didn't feel forced, it felt genuine and needed. Thank you!