A review by erinarkin20
Don't You Cry by Mary Kubica


3.5 stars.
I have really enjoyed Kubica’s stories since The Good Girl came out and needless to say, when I read the summary of Don’t you Cry, I immediately wanted to read it. There are plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing on what is actually going on.

The story is told from two different angles and by doing this, Kubica maintains the mystery behind what has happened to Esther. Esther’s roommate is Quinn and part of the story told from her point of view focuses on her digging into what might have happened. As she uncovers secrets and things about Esther that she knew nothing about, she realizes more and more that she really didn’t know Esther very well.

The other side of this story is focused on a Michigan Harbor town and revolves around Alex and a mystery woman who shows up in town. I was drawn to Alex’s character. He hasn’t had an easy life and growing up in a small town, everyone knows his business. When this mystery woman shows up, he is quickly drawn to her.

I can’t say much more here because I don’t want to give anything away but what I will say what I thought was going to happen or how these stories might be linked…wasn’t even close to where Kubica took it. And that was FANTASTIC! I love it when I’m surprised and Kubica did a wonderful job keeping me guessing and tying it all together in the end.

If you like a good mystery that isn’t obvious, definitely consider this book. In addition to that, if you haven’t read anything by Kubica before I would recommend you check her books out.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy!