A review by ellakostka
Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall


★★★☆☆ 2.5/5

thank you to penguinteen and netgallery for the arc!

this book was... okay. i’m not a huge fan of the horror genre overall, but i’m kind of on a horror kick lately so i thought i’d give this one a try. and although it had a really interesting idea, i felt like it kind of fell short. the action was overwhelming and was pretty much constant for 400 pages. the book was far too long and extremely repetitive. i didn’t connect with any of the characters, and the romance felt forced.

one thing i did enjoy was the back-and-forth between present day and past, and how the past was told through video journals and interviews. it was a nice break from the chaos of the present day storyline.

it’s frustrating when authors suddenly give a new character a POV and just... don’t acknowledge it. the change was extremely confusing unless you figure it out right away and i just didn’t enjoy it.