A review by caslater83
The Bookstore by Deborah Meyler


This is my first Deborah Meyler novel. I'm quite pleased with her writing skills. Esme Garland sounds like a lovely young woman, someone that I think I could be friends with, even with our cultural differences. However, her taste in boyfriends makes me cringe. Mitchell is a selfish stuck-up snob who only thinks of his sexual needs, his public image, and his family fortune.

I sense that the author (Ms. Meyler) wanted us to develop an early approval/like for Luke. Naturally, it worked for me. Luke is the type of guy that seems to quietly like Esme, even though she doesn't really want to admit that Mitchell is all wrong for her. He's not really pushing the "Mitchell is not the guy you need in your life" envelope. He's letting her figure it out for herself, even though it does take some heartache on both sides. Love isn't just a feeling. It's action. What are you willing to do for love? Luke was willing to let the relationship between Mitchell and Esme fizzle out. He was still there for Esme while Mitchell was off doing his own thing. Luke's got heart. Mitchell doesn't even know what a heart is.

I hope that the next book I read will be as good as this one. It only got 4 stars instead of 5 because of the sexual content. Aside from that, I was perfectly happy with the book.