A review by djinnia
A Conspiracy of Alchemists by Liesel Schwarz


I loved this book. It wasn't a hard read (thank goodness). Nothing ruins a good sci-fi/fantasy/steampunk/whatever book better than having it be too complicated.

I liked Elle. She had sass and a brain. She had opinions in a time that women were fighting for the right to have opinions taken seriously. When she is told about her destiny, I thought she reacted like any other person would. Denial and outrage. She didn't like the group Marsh was in so she wanted nothing to do with it especially how he told her they were going to treat her, which again comes into play with Suffrage.

Marsh is cool. I really like him even though he couldn't see the forest for the trees sometimes, but he got it in the end (and that's all that matters.)

I liked how there was a mix of genres. It wasn't too heavy-handed in my opinion. The clash of science and magic was awesome. (that Ms. Schwarz mentions some well-known books of the period and brought them into the storyline was awesome.)

All in all, I would buy this book. I would continue to the second book with pleasure.