A review by reaganwaggoner
The Conscience of a Conservative by Barry M. Goldwater


Original review from December 2021 left below, but just reread again (March 2022).. brilliantly written moral, economic, and political case for true conservatism. See below for original review


This book is fantastic - a manifesto on limited government and adhering to constitutionalism. This is not an assault on human rights, but, rather, encouragement of human rights in the form of uplifting the state.

The federal government intercedes far too often, rather than allowing the state to run its own course. Its objection, of course, is that often the state does not do as it should. However, it is the job of the people, not the federal government, to regulate the state.

“With this view of the nature of man, it is understandable that the conservative looks upon politics as the art of achieving the maximum amount of freedom for individuals that is consistent with the maintenance of the social order. “ - Goldwater

“Was it then a democracy the Framers created? Hardly. The system of restraints, on the face of it, was directed not only against individual tyrants, but also against a tyranny of the masses.” - Goldwater

“A republic - If you can keep it” -Franklin

Ways power of gov may be measured (my rough notes)
1. Size of financial operations (hundred billion dollars a year vs 3.5 billion less than 3 decades ago
2. scope of activities, according to chicago tribune “ biggest land owner, property manager, renter, mover and hauler, medical condition, lender, ensure, mortgage broker, employer, debtor, taxer and spender and all history.”
3. portion of earnings government appropriates for own use
4. extent of government interference and regulation in daily life

“The need for “economic growth” that we hear so much about these days will be achieved, not by the government harnessing the nations economic forces, but by emancipating them.” -Goldwater

Brilliantly said - this is true conservatism. It truly is a shame that neither of our two parties maintains a meaningful commitment to the principle of states rights.