A review by vivianne
Tiny Pretty Things by Dhonielle Clayton, Sona Charaipotra


Spoiler free mini review!

I’ve always been mesmerized by ballet and I love to go to plays and to watch movies around this topic. Nevertheless I have never read a book about it and now I wondered why because this was amazing.

I loved that there was SO MUCH going on, all the time. It made me super invested in the story and made me finish this book in a few days because I could not put it down. The plot was super-fast paced and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole book. I found the mystery that was woven into this story and the way it ended so well done and it makes me want to jump into the next book right away. I loved the theme of ballet and to read about the hard cut throat world it displays and the dark corners behind the beautiful ballerina’s you see on stage. And I also can read forever about a similar plot line to mean girls and Pretty Little Liars.

I loved the main characters, they were so interesting. They were all so well developed and had completely different personalities. You want to hate them because of their actions, but their background and personal problems make you love them. I loved how flawed they were, how I could follow their train of thoughts and identify myself with them. The problems in this book were so relevant, not only to me but also to society nowadays. I LOVED the representation, which was really well handled in this book.

The writing was also pretty good. It completely sucked me in and I love the way they described the dance and I could see the dancers jump around on a stage in my mind.

A negative thing about this book was that this book was at times very frustrating to read. Though it’s probably meant to and the characters make choices that make this story so interesting. However, especially the boys and the topics surrounding the romance was just *face palm* sometimes. Besides this, this book didn’t blow me away or have any twists to surprise me enough to make this a 5 star read for me.

Can’t wait to read the next book or see the Netflix adaptation!