A review by bedtimebookworm
Peace of Evon by Dorothy Tinker


This review was originally posted on Bedtime BookwormI always want to be upfront and honest here on my blog when I’m talking about my thoughts on a book - or my thoughts about anything really! That being said, I want to say that my cousin self-published this book! (I AM SO PROUD OF HER!!) She has been working really hard on this quartet, and I finally got around to reading the first book. She even designed the cover herself! Overall, I enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to reading the next one! :)

The Pacing

I think the voice of this book is a little on the younger side of what I usually read - I found it to be on the level of Rick Riordan books... maybe a little older - but that didn’t stop me from enjoying it! To be honest, I did have a little trouble with the pacing. The first half of the book dragged a little for me, but things definitely picked up after the second half - especially once the demi-gods get involved (YES THERE ARE DEMI-GODS)! And the two MCs start spending more time together and that makes the story so much more interesting!

Knowing the author personally, I happen to know a little of the backstory of this book. This quartet was originally a two-book series, however, the what was originally the first book was quite long for a YA novel. So, now the series will be a quartet! What are now the first two books of the series were originally one book. Meaning - this book I read and am reviewing was originally only half of the first book. To me, that explains some the pacing issues I felt.

The Writing

I loved the writing in this book! It was really well done and beautiful. I often have issues with the writing in YA books - especially those that are probably aimed for people a little younger than me - but I didn’t have that issue with the writing here at all. Dorothy also incorporated different languages into the story - and I LOVED IT. What can I say - I love languages (English is my native language, but I also speak Korean fluently, and some Spanish as well - and I aspire to learn more - I would love to learn Japanese!). Little phrases of Spanish and German are thrown into conversations based on the characters country of origin and their "native" language. They were all (well most) phrases I was familiar with, but there is also a glossary at the end for reference. I enjoy when fantasy books have their own languages incorporated into the story, but using languages readers may (or may not!) have some familiarity with is a great idea, in my opinion! Plus, the demi-gods add an interesting twist to the story - one that I haven't really seen before.

The Characters

I enjoyed getting to know these characters! I immediately felt a connection with the MC, Gemi. I was a tomboy growing up (although you would never guess it now, I can be very girly nowadays!). I always appreciate female characters pushing social boundaries. As mentioned briefly in the synopsis, Gemi is raised by her father as someone who will take over his dukedom, not just a daughter to marry off - I loved that! There's even a horse and a dragon involved! Who loves horses and dragons? *raises hand* I DO!! (view spoiler) You get to know the second MC, Ferez, a little more slowly but he really grew on me! I can't wait to learn more about the two and see where the story goes.

In Summary

Overall, despite the slow start, I enjoyed this book and I look forward to continuing the story. I want to know what happens to these two MCs! I recommend this book to fantasy lovers, mythology lovers, horse lovers and dragon lovers (I LOVE DRAGONS!!). Readers who enjoy Rick Riordan (mythology!) and The Inheritance Cycle books (dragons!) should check this book out! The second book of the quartet, Gift of War, is already out and the third, Lost King, is being released on March 31st.