A review by amesish
Beautifully Unique Sparkleponies: On Myths, Morons, Free Speech, Football, and Assorted Absurdities by Chris Kluwe


I *really* wanted to love this book. So much so that I bought it in hardcover (only after vetting my library's physical and e-book catalogs, of course). And to be fair, there were sections that I did love. However, the book as a whole felt (in part because Kluwe tells the reader so) like he grabbed a file filled with individual rants, rambles, and bits, slapped a title on it, and called it a book. For some pieces, this makes sense (like his response to Delegate Burns, from which the creative title is drawn). For the remainder, I wish someone had said, "yo, Chris, you have like, 8 chapters that deal specifically with marriage equality. Why not rework those into one bigger, cohesive piece?" (Particularly because virtually none of his chapters consist of more than 750-1000 words.) *Sigh*

Overall, I enjoyed (most) of Kluwe's pieces. But before his next book, I wish for Kluwe a great editor...