A review by wordsareweapons
Bridge of Clay, by Markus Zusak


I just do not have the words, or writing skills really, to explain how much I loved this book. I was immediately hooked. The writing was absolutely gorgeous, which I pretty much have come to expect from him, and I actually liked the way the story flowed. It definitely wasn't linear, but really when telling someone a life story it never really ends up that way.

I loved all the Dunbar boys, and while it focuses on Clay, they all had a distinct voice and personality. You still got a good feel for the other brothers even though they weren't the main voice of the story. What I loved most though was the way this book examined families, and how they grow and change, and love. The way everyone's experiences influence things far down through generations. It's also about the stories we tell to keep those people and that love alive. I don't know, I just found the whole thing to be moving and beautiful, and heart-string tugging.