A review by saturday
A Golden Cage by Shelley Freydont


Wow. I really enjoy this series.

Deanna reminds me of a heroine out of Heyer and I do so love reading about her coming out season in Newport. I like her interactions with Elspeth, Gran Gwen, Joe, Will, Laurette, and Lionel. Her uncertainty about her future and finding her passions is something I certainly empathize with. How she is beginning to come into her own and recognizing all that she still has to learn.

Yet again, the plot was by no means bad, but, for me, it was a vehicle that allows us to get to know the characters better. I could read a story about shopping for hats and I'd be perfectly content.

I loved the addition of Laurette and Lionel, Joe's parents. Laurette's fierce attitude and getting involved with important causes during that time. Lionel's love of her and his worrying about her safety. It is so important to have a couple that married for love instead of a business proposal in Deanna's life.

I will say, I truly loved the end
Spoilerit was a bit Darcy-esque. Haha!
, and I can't wait to read more of this series. I'm sad the next book doesn't come out tomorrow.