A review by lilyn_g
Radio Run by Eddie Generous


At the very end of January I realized that I’d managed to go the whole month without reading a chomp’n’stomp novel. This made me sad. I had been lucky enough to have a good run of books, but I still needed my gigantic months wrecking havoc fix. A fellow Twitter bookworm mentioned Radio Run, so I decided to check it out.

Now, in the interest of transparency, the author and I very, very loosely know each other. I’ve read one of my reviews for one of his podcasts, and I and others from Sci-Fi & Scary have reviewed a couple of the books he has published from Unnerving Mag. However, we’re not friends and he did not submit this for review.

Radio Run was a damned good creature feature. A bunch of people running for survival while mutated beasties of all shapes and sizes try to eat them is a fine premise and a good way to blow a few hours.

I liked half the characters. I felt for them, and wanted them to succeed. The other half I wanted to see die embarrassingly ridiculous and painful deaths. I hated them so much that it actually took away from my enjoyment of the book because I kept wanting to reach into the pages, grab them by their tongues, and yank until everything up to and including their sphincter came out their pie-holes.

This is a book that is pretty much non-stop action, and that made me very happy. It keeps a brisk pace with only a momentary slow down here and there to lull you into a sense of security before someone dies a horrible death. (And there are some truly horrible deaths involved. It’s quite fun.)

I was a little disappointed by the time I got about a third in because I realized that this wasn’t quite fitting the chomp’n’stomp vibe I was going for. However, Radio Run was entertaining enough that I found I didn’t particularly care. It held my attention quite easily for the entire novel and I have no major picks with it. (Though I would have liked more background detail about the Event that lead to the world in its current state.)

Also, the ending left me feeling a bit nostalgic for a certain movie. Definitely didn’t see that coming.