A review by bedtimebookworm
Peace of Evon by Dorothy Tinker


This review was originally posted on Bedtime Bookworm

Reread Thoughts

As I said in my original review of this book, my cousin is the author of this book! I reread this in anticipation of continuing the series. (Which, of course, I have yet to do. Too many books, too little time right? I hope to continue the series soon though!) The first time I read this book, I felt the pacing was on the slow side - and that didn't change. However, this time I was more invested in the characters since I was already familiar with them. Being more invested in the characters made the chapters go by more quickly. For the most part, I would consider this book to be more character focused than plot focused. I think the first time around, there were so many characters being introduced that I didn't really grasp everyone's relationships and personalities. I feel I enjoyed the story more when I reread it because I understood the characters better. The other things I enjoyed about the book originally still hold true. I love the girl-pretends-to-be-a-boy trope, especially in combination with talking magical creatures (a dragon and a horse!). I also really enjoyed seeing languages that I'm familiar with have an influence on the languages in the book.

In Summar

Overall, I enjoyed this book more the second time around. I think my increased enjoyment had a lot to do with being more familiar with the characters and the setting. I'm looking forward to continuing the series. These characters have grown on me and I want to know what happens to them!