A review by alana_rr
Caliban's War by James S.A. Corey


"He'd read accounts of extravehicular euphoria, but the experience was unlike anything he'd imagined. He was the eye of God, drinking the light of infinite stars, and he was a speck of dust on a speck of dust, clipped by his mag boots to the body of a ship unthinkably more powerful than himself, and unimportant to the face of the abyss."

I liked this book SO much more than Leviathan Wakes. The fact that it spent most of its time in character development and it still kept me engaged throughout says it all.

In this book we are introduced to another great set of characters - Bobbie, Avasarala and Prax - and follow their POVs. Three completely different people who lived completely different lives and who are incredibly fun to follow.

If you ever looked up the TV series you've probably heard they made adjustments to fit what the series was trying to do. Notably, the stuff that happens inside the Agatha King and in Io is expanded and plays out differently. I don't prefer one over the other because I think both felt right for their respective mediums.

I want to start Abaddon's Gate AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!