A review by thepageladies
Fifty in Reverse by Bill Flanagan


If you had the chance to live your life over again, knowing everything that you know now, would you take it?

Would you still take it if it meant losing everything you had today?

Would a second chance to correct every mistake and missed opportunity be worth giving up the world you know and the life you have built?

In the spring of 1970, Harvard psychologist Terry Canyon is introduced to Peter, a quiet kid from a wealthy family who has been suspended from ninth grade for stripping off his clothes in Algebra class. When Terry asks Peter why he did, the boy explains that he was trying to “shock myself awake.”

It turns out that Peter believes he is a sixty-five-year-old man who went to sleep in his home in New York in the year 2020 and woke up in his childhood bedroom fifty years earlier.

Hilariously depicting Peter’s attempts to fit in as a fifteen-year-old in 1970 and to cope with the tedium, foolishness, and sexual temptations of high school.

Thank you, Goodreads and Tiller Books for the chance to read Fifty in Reverse!

“{Ricky DeVille spoke in class,” Peter said. “My hallucination has departed from reality. I expect to see leprechauns emerging from Pepsi cans and orangutans aloft on silver wings. It’s all wide open now.}”

Fifty in Reverse was a heartfelt funny too fast of a read! This book will be even more appealing to people who enjoy the music from around the 70’s and so on. I am not in my fifties but I didn't feel like I couldn’t understand some of the references made to the past. A nice climb in your favorite relaxing and reading spot, put something in the crook pot and just relax in your happy place and read! Happy reading everyone!

“{Our children pass into another life,” she thought, “where they will be secure and easeful, into which we can never go.”}

“{Peter said, “Are you still with us, Mom?}”

“{I’m right here,” she said.}”

“{The boy looked at her like he knew her thoughts. He said, ”Then we are all where we’re meant to be.}”