A review by stuhlsatzg
Grief Is Love: Living with Loss by Marisa Renee Lee


This was a much better book (for me) than the previous one I read about grief. I think it had the formula that I appreciate in that the author shared a lot about her grief story and what got her through it.

A couple favorite quotes:

In addition to these quotes, the whole chapter about grace as awesome.

P 165
“How do we quell the longing that seemingly never ceases? You don’t. The longing is your love and love isn’t meant to be contained or quelled. The only thing that makes the longing more bearable is simply expecting it, and accepting it as a normal part of your life after death.”

P 141
“Her commitment to joy is my inheritance.”
“Experiencing joy is one of the many ways you can continue to love them.”

P 73
“‘If I never let you inconvenience me, then we aren’t really friends.’ … Who was I willing to inconvenience myself for and vice versa? Those are your people - the people who are truly on your team and will show up when things get hard, or when you get hard to be around; the friends who are skilled at rattling off your strengths and weaknesses and love you despite them, or maybe even because of those weaknesses.”
“And you know what? No matter how much they love you and you love them, they will not fully understand what you’re going through, but if they are truly your people, they will want to find a way to help you. If there is something they can help with, tell them.”