A review by annag77
Perfekt Balance by S.T. Bende


This was another great book in the Aere Saga!

We first met Elsa in the first book, Perfekt Order. I liked Elsa from the very start, and after reading Perfekt Balance, I like her even more now. She has such a sweet, kind spirit and cares deeply about others. She often puts their well-being above her own. I thought that was quite admirable! The more I was in Elsa's head, the more I examined my own self and how I view the world around me. Elsa has challenged me to be a better person and to look at the relationships I have with other people in a new light.

Forse was another character I really liked. Even though he is the god of justice, and spends much of his time settling disputes and whatnot, he's also a fierce warrior when he has to be. I really liked him and I cannot wait to learn more about him in the upcoming books.

I am so happy that we also got to see more of Brynn and Henrik! They're so fun and so stinking cute. I got a few chuckles at the way they interacted with each other.

In Perfekt Balance we meet a new character, and learn a few things that surprised me. Elsa discovers a lot of new things about herself, and her capabilities. One of the things that I especially liked in Perfekt Balance, was that we got to see a softer side of Tyr. I love the relationship that he has with his sister and how much he looks out for her.

I am really looking forward to the next adventure. From what I understand, it will be told from Brynn's point-of-view, and she is my favorite character in this series!