A review by deshie5055
Solving Sophronia by Jennifer Moore


Lady Sophronia Bremerton wishes nothing more than to become an investigative reporter. Living a life pretending to care about the latest society gossip as she writes her column, ‘Miss Propriety’s People and Prattle’ has grown old and tiresome. When she befriends a group of other young ladies with similar aspirations, they form the Blue Orchid Society- a society of women who each make a goal to live out their dreams.

Sophie’s journey begins a few weeks later when she arrives at the scene of a murder investigation. At first, she and Detective Jonathan Graham but-heads but soon they overcome their differences to solve a series of seemingly connected murders.

With so many incredible moments of genuine feeling, you will laugh, be mystified and most of all be inspired to fulfill your own dreams. The main characters, Sophie and Jonathan, have outstanding chemistry without taking away from Sophie’s main journey. I adore Jonathan and would love another book about him and his history. Sergeant Lester is a personal favorite of mine, and in many of his scenes, I had to stop reading because I was laughing too hard to see the words.

Author Jennifer Moore has been a long time favorite of mine, but I think this latest novel has become my new favorite of hers. I eagerly await the next novel in this series and can’t wait to learn more about each of the outstanding women in the Blue Orchid Society.