A review by betterwithabookinmyhand
Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin


Serpent & Dove was the perfect fantasy novel for me. I do think it came to me at the most ideal time in my reading journey. I also caught it while it had some hype but wasn't what it may be now. Because let's be real, when someone says this book you're about to read is going to blow you away and you're not into it on page 1, or 10, then the overhype got you. But I digress!

Here's what Serpent & Dove had that made me such a dedicated fan:

* A fiery main character-- Lou is a fricken hoot. Would I love to get a beer with her? Abso-freaking-lutely. She is confident, hilarious, and has personality. Like REAL personality, not a trope. She felt like someone I met through a friend that I immediately knew I needed to be best friends with in a oh-my-gosh-you're-crazy-I-love-you kind of way.

* I LAUGHED while reading this book. Out loud! And I snickered plenty and drew hearts next to my favorite lines because yup, I'm that kind of reader.
>>>> Example, you say? Not to give much away, Lou refers to this bar salad called Big Titty Liddy that she loves to below to make chaste men blush. Hilarious. I line I tabbed was when she is forced to be in church against her wishes, not knowing the song it says, "Bewildered--and unable to comprehend a word of their dreary Ballard--I made up my own lyrics. They may or may not have involved a barmaid named Liddy."

* The male main character has personality and conviction, which is refreshing. They definitely have a hate to love thing going on which is my favorite trope TBH and it happens right away which I appreciated.

* There's a magic system in this story that is dope and unique and hard to do, since I thought I had read all that magic systems had to offer. The idea of how magic works and how dark it is is really intriguing.

* This definitely is a New Age novel, which I enjoy as a 28-year-old but would not let my 11-year-old niece read. I appreciate this new genre.

* The plot is twisted, interesting, and though the novel is 513 pages long I was at page 500 breathless and thinking, "No! It can't be almost over!" because I wanted to read 500 more pages. For me, that is the ultimate definition of 5 star read.

So this series is going to be a favorite for sure, and I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind cussing, a saucy sex scene, and developed characters for whom you genuinely care.