A review by viktoriya
American Royals by Katharine McGee


I have to be honest, when this book started making it's round on BookTube last year, I had zero interest in reading it. The more people talked about it, the more disinclined I was in picking it up. It wasn't until I received an ARC for [b:Majesty|51518972|Majesty (American Royals, #2)|Katharine McGee|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1582291053l/51518972._SY75_.jpg|62253211] that I realized that now I actually had to read American Royals.
Well, for once BookTubers got it right. This book was soo much fun to read. I flew through it in one breath. I loved how Katharine McGee took real parts of American history and flipped and twisted them to become parts of fictional American monarchy. Very clever on her part. The characters were extremely believable and relatable and I came to care for all of them.
It's a very good thing I don't have to wait to read the sequel because I definitely want and need more.