A review by novelesque_life
His Right Hand by Mette Ivie Harrison


2016; Soho CRim/Soho Press
(Review Not on Blog)

I did give book two .5 more in rating from Book 1 [b:The Bishop’s Wife|21416678|The Bishop’s Wife (Linda Wallheim Mystery, #1)|Mette Ivie Harrison|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1436466558s/21416678.jpg|40717829]). This is because I was more engaged with the writing this time and story was really intriguing. The ending was a bit hookey, and you kind of know who the killer is midways, if not almost right after the murder. Linda was just as annoying with her "I'm not judgemental, but here is what I would think of them or this situation, if I was judgemental" attitude. I don't mind "clean" cozy mysteries once in awhile, especially after a binge of suspense or gritty mysteries, but these seem too tame and there isn't anything happening. I'm going to try book three as I am down to review all four so far in the series.

***I received an eARC from EDELWEISS***