A review by eve_ward
Minimum Wage Magic by Rachel Aaron


I am thoroughly impressed. This was a really, really interesting book. I loved Opal's whole character, her drive to get what she wants, her reckless abandon, her stormy relationship with her family and just about everything about her. Nik was also a pleasure to read about, it might not be how he was mean't to be portrayed, but I found him so cute. Not to mention how curious I am about his past and his motivations. His relationship with Opal is just darling. I just love this whole universe we've stepped into and I can't wait to see what comes next.

As far as the actual book goes, I'm not a big fan of how long the chapters are, plus it felt quite slow paced and took awhile to actually get to business. I shan't complain though, things worked out in the end. This took far longer to read than I would have liked but it was totally worth it. Onto the next one I suppose.