A review by piperbunny
Mondpicknick by Simon Mason


A beautiful heart-warming, heart-breaking, heart-wrenching book! Just full of heart!

Martha and Tug are two children whose mum has passed away, they're on their own with Dad. But there is one word to describe Dad and that's 'strange'. You instantly get pulled into their family life and begin to enjoy life through Martha and Tug's eyes.

Martha is eleven and has to 'keep her head' because she's eleven. I'm not going to spoiler why her Dad is strange because you really have to read it and find out how Martha finds out from an eleven year old perspective. Martha is a very grown-up eleven year old, as she has to be with three people to care for! I love how she discovers how much fun being a child can be.

Tug's point of view is very humourous, he sees life through food, some of his comments are really funny.

A very good book, entertaining and informative.