A review by jen_baroness_mom
Black Bullet by L.D. Rose


Black Bullet by L.D. Rose is a dark story that shows how much love can change a life for the good or for the bad.
This is the second in the Order of the Senary books. It was all that I hoped it would be. I really like the Ms. Rose shows us both sides of love and how great it can be when it is with the right person.

Jon is a great character. I saw glimpses of him in the previous book, Releasing the Demons. But this is his story and we learn how a vampire was able to keep his sole. Jon is also a marine and federal agent, but that doesn’t really define him. Jon is so much more and Ms. Rose has made him jump off the pages and right into my heart. Jon has extreme patience, integrity and a huge heart.

Lawan is alone in the world (well, except for her little cat Oscar) and for the most part she wants it to stay that way. She has special powers but has been running for a long time and the last time she trusted someone, let’s just say that it literally left her scarred for life, emotionally and physically. She doesn’t want to trust, love or have anything to do with anyone. She has a plan and that is all that matters to her. She has a strength that is wonderfully tender and yet she doesn’t always feel strong. She tries to hide herself from the world.

Jon and Lawan are great for each other and the Ms. Rose does an awesome job showing us why and how much they need each other. It is really beautiful. The characters grow nicely within the story.

The Gemini Vampires, Regin and Taylon Ramsden are the worst vampires around. They had Lawan for a while but then Taylon released her to upset his brother. These two are wicked. Seriously, wicked. Then with Taylon’s connection to Jon, and Jon’s to Lawan, things got complicated really fast. I am so glad that everyone got what they deserved.

My rating is 4 stars. I truly like this series, and I am really glad that Jon figured it out. He and Lawan are really great for each other. Oh, and there was a nice little surprise for Kasen and Veronica.

This is a Guest Review for Baroness' Book Trove. Thank you for the opportunity to review this book for your site. ~Jen

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This book was given to the Baroness Book Trove for an honest review.