A review by drmuenke
With a Tangled Skein by Piers Anthony


This book held a special place in my heart. My brother gave me a copy when I was 13ish and it sparked my love of fantasy and sci fi reading. I was so excited to re-read it, and I wish I hadn’t. The misogyny is so thick. The first two books put down women, but I thought this might be different with a woman as the main character. There is so many themes like “how could I do this as a middle-aged woman,” “her body no longer held sex appeal,” “a man could have done this,” “whoever heard of a middle-aged woman...” I just wanted to scream and throw the book across the room. I am glad I revisited this series so I know never to recommend them again. My middle-aged heart is sad for the loss of how my teenage heart felt for this book. I am happy maturity taught me that a woman’s worth is more than how her body is perceived by a man