A review by jcqb09
Dark Kiss by Michelle Rowen


This book was like the Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick mixed up with the Soul Stealers series by Rachel Vincent. It actually was just that.

Which is why I liked it so much.

The whole "my parents were an angel and a demon" thing was an eye-roll-inducing cliche, but what else could you have in a book about Angels and Demons? I'm not gonna hate the book for that single unoriginality. I liked this book so much I read it in one sitting.

If you've read any of my other reviews (more specifically my Blood of Eden ones), I'm sure you know who my favorite character was... Kraven! The sarcastic jerk character! He was intriguing from the moment they awakened him. The other characters were cool, too. Bishop was interesting because he was like crazy and you usually don't expect the Alpha Male character to have any apparent vulnerabilities, so it was an interesting change. Carly I liked at first, but then once she became a "gray" I didn't like her as much; I wasn't so sad when she died(?). I was disappointed that there were no girls on the team of angels and demons - so Samantha could have a friend or something - but the team was like able enough (except Roth. like what even is your deal?).

I liked how, even though some parts of the book were predictable, I found myself paling (to the extent of my ability, of course) whenever a plot twist was revealed. Or reacting aloud when SAMANTHA FREAKING TELLS BISHOP THAT SHE WANTS TO KISS HIM. I like books where you can empathize with the characters; it shows good writing.

Upon reading the summary of the next book, I bet you can tell (if you're familiar with it) why I related this book to the Soul Stealers series. I'm super excited to read the next one just to see more of Kraven, the bae-ven. (ew wtf was that) Can't wait to read it!