A review by alanna6
The Thief Taker by Janet Gleeson


Felt super meh about this book. The whole premise is that there’s a theft and a murder in the Middle Ages and the people who own the shop ask their female cook (who works in the household and not in the shop), Agnes, to solve it because they think the thief was one of the staff. If you can get past that premise by accepting some suspension of disbelief for fiction’s sake, then you’re surprised by the violence against women and all the sexism that was probably very true to the times. If the world was really so sexist and violence against women so rampant, why the heck would the trust their female cook to solve a mystery?

I had a hard time getting into the story and by the time you figure out who the bad person is you don’t really care. Debated about giving this one or two stars but we will start with two and maybe I’ll come back and change it.