A review by geo_ix
Claimed By The Mountain Man by Frankie Love


It was just OK for me. I liked it, but because I disliked the hero and heroine it stopped me from really enjoying it at all. He was expecting too much and she got on my nerves. She expects mansions and stuff because he's meant to be a millionaire. Firstly, drunk or not you don't sign up to a mail order bride thing because hello he was legit looking for a bride and she's just like well, can't be bothered finding a job so might as well have a sugar daddy, then got upset when he lived in a shack. I get her being confused and such, but after the match place were so strict on no pictures or names because people judge off that, doesn't the fact the men are millionaires do that too? And why did he stipulate she had to be a college graduate to live in the boonies and cook his food? That's right she doesn't need to have just busted her ass for NOTHING to please you. I'm baffled as to why he just wanted her to warm his bed, grow his veggies and cook his food (especially if he didn't stipulate someone who can cook when they signed up?) they both just kind of made my skin crawl whenever they started up.

However, the plot was great and I loved each event that happened, so while I hated some choices and characters I did enjoy the actual story. Characters for me however are super important for me to like atleast one and I couldn't enjoy either.

I WILL read the other two, mainly because I wanna read the third one to see why he's late, and if reading the first line of the synopsis is giving it away to me then I'm too excited. I personally however can't skip a book in a series so I'll read two first hehe