A review by curiouslibrarian
14 Cows for America by Carmen Agra Deedy


This picture book is the touching true story of the response of a Maasai man living in America on September 11th. Our losses and devastation on that day prompted him and many tribal elders in Kenya to give the most precious thing they had as a symbol of support and comfort to America - cows.

The story is simply and powerfully told, and the illustrations are lush. The one that grabbed me the most had to be the two page spread at the end with a close-up of Kimeli's eye which has the twin towers reflected in it with the accompanying text: "Because there is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded,/nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort."

An note in the back offers more of the story from Kimeli Naiyomah, and includes the fact that the original herd has calved and now numbers more than 35.

Powerful and touching.