A review by justmys
On the Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
Too cutesy for me. 
It reads as a mix of a Disney movie mixed with a filmed theatre production. People acting in over the top, unatural ways when moving about scenes (for lack of a better word). In the 65 pages I read the main character didn't seem to have any flaws whatsoever (despite 3 big secrets). She came from a privaledged life, managed to get a job in a matter of days, held no negativity in her life despite abusive parents and experiencing near constant mysogyny at work, and, of course, is a clutz in an endearing way. 
I also couldn't work out when anything was set. At first I thought we had gone back 60 years but then it felt a little like 60 years back was also present day? But also not??? Because there was arranged marriage and such? It was all just very higgledy piggledy for me.
I'm sure it's a lovely soft story, like a disney film, musical and summer romance all rolled into one. I just need more tooth and a lot more realism in how my characters are written.  

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