A review by jennyninnymuggins
All Seeing Eye by Rob Thurman


Very minorly spoilery, fyi....

Being a huge fan of Thurman's Leandros series, I'll read anything she writes. That's not to say I'll love everything she writes. I haven't been overly impressed with her Trickster series, finding it borrowed too heavily from the characters and relationships in the Leandros series without making up for it in plot and writing. So I started All Seeing Eye not knowing quite what to expect.

For the first third of the book I was thinking "Yay! Thurman sure can write an anti-hero!", but then I started seeing a good deal of similarity in the relationships. As I continued reading, I was annoyed that the Leandros brothers' relationship and personalities were being rehashed yet AGAIN, but I still found the story interesting and wanted to find out what happened. Following that, I began to believe I might be able to accept this as a "what would happen in an alternate dimension where Cal was a human psychic and Nicko was a soldier-doctor-friend?".

The plot was great, I LIKED this alternate dimension. There were some twists I predicted and others I didn't (which pleased me greatly). In the end, I decided I very much liked this alternate dimension and would like to see where the next book took Cal...I mean, Jackson.

3.3 to 3.9 stars...depending on where I was in the book and my acceptance level of AlterCal. ;D