A review by gretasbookclub
The Gift of Presence: a mindfulness guide for women by Caroline Welch


Let's talk about meditation and mindfulness!

Synopsis: Overwhelmed by the demands of family, work, and multiple responsibilities, many women find themselves feeling scattered, and distracted. In this eye-opening book, co-founder and CEO of the Mindsight Institute, Caroline Welch, takes readers on a mindfulness journey to help them de-stress and cultivate inner peace.

The Gift of Presence guides readers in developing four innate abilities we all possess that will allow us to become more resilient and centred in our lives.
My Review:

This book is a good reminder of the benefits of mindfulness and meditation practices. I particularly enjoyed how the book was aimed for "women" as it allowed for an indepth exploration of many inherently female issues - e.g. juggling a career whilst raising a family and undertaking the majority of domestic roles. I also really enjoyed the inclusion of anecdotes from women all across the board and found it really gave some humanity to the book.

The first two sections of this book on Presence and Purpose were excellent. However, I did feel as the book went on it was probably more suited to women slightly older than me. As there was a whole section on being flexible and pivoting from life circumstances which don't bring you joy, which I didn't find hugely applicable to myself in this current stage!

Overall a great read on mindfulness & how to implement into your everyday lifestyle. Currently my mindfulness practice consists of (almost) daily 5-7 minute meditation practices on the Smiling Mind app (which is free!! and also narrated by the True Crime podcast guy - amazing!). I find that doing meditation first thing in the morning is a good way to get it in before the day gets too busy & is a great way to wake up. I also keep a note on my phone & jot down three things which I am grateful for each day and also find this is a very manageable way to practice Presence and mindfulness!

Some other mindfulness tips you guys shared
- journaling
- @painacademy if you have chronic pain
- Meditation using Headspace App
When to Read: When you are wanting to learn more about the effects and benefits of mindfulness and how to implement it into your everyday lifestyle.